Repairing an Air Impact Wrench

An air impact wrench is one of the most valuable tools that you could have in your workshop. It would help you save a lot of money by enabling you to perform tasks that would have required a professional, all by yourself.

However, just like any other device out there, this wrench may not work as intended or cease working altogether. If your product came with some warranty condition, all you have to do is take it back to the manufacturer, and it will be fixed under the terms stated.

However, if this option is not available for you and you do not want to get a new device, you may have to fix the problem yourself.

Getting to the root of the problem may not be the easiest task for everyone, and we shall try to spell everything out for you in this piece.

Common Problems that You Are Likely to Encounter

Understanding why your impact wrench has stopped working is not the most straightforward task. So, we shall take our time and discuss some of the typical issues you are likely to face in your device.

#1. Slow Running/Not Running at All

There are several reasons why your tool would slow down or completely stop running:

1. Maybe the tool is not receiving enough air pressure from the compressor. You can know this by examining the gauge on the compressor and measuring the amount of air pressure.

Note that insufficient amounts of pressure would make your tool not function properly, and a poorly connected hose could cause it. Therefore, it is up to you to ensure that this hose is firmly fixed and that there are no leaks.

2. Dust, grit, and oil deposits could also cause the device to operate slower than normal. This is because they end up gumming the lubricating oil that enables the movable parts to operate smoothly.

To remove these contaminants, consider flushing the tool with grease and other cleaning agents recommended by the manufacturer. Once you are done, it is important that you lubricate the tool appropriately once more.

3. Your device could also be running slowly due to a mechanical issue, whereby some parts such as the bearings and rotor blade are worn out. In this instance, you should consider taking the wrench to the workshop for the proper replacements and repairs to be done.

#2. Slow/Lack of Impact

The main reason why your air impact wrench has a poor impact is due to poor maintenance, such as lack of regular lubrication. Failure to do this leads to foreign elements such as water and dirt attacking your unit’s machine polished surface.

In the end, your tool’s performance and useful life would be greatly reduced.

So, ensure that you lubricate your tool so that condensation does not reach its surface and cause rusting.

#3. Moisture Emission

At times when inspecting your wrench, you may notice some moisture coming from it. Some of the reasons for this include:

1. The air compressor tank may be having some water inside it. This water comes from the water vapor normally found in free air, and if you do not drain your tank regularly, it will end up filling with this water.

So, always drain the tank through the drain valve that you can find at the lowest part of the tank.

2. If you find no water in the tank upon inspection, it could be in the air lines or hoses connected to your device. To fix this problem, you could drain the hoses or add a filter or separator to minimize the chances of water getting to the hoses in the first place.

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Common Mistakes that You Should Avoid with Your Air Impact Wrench

As you use your tool for various tasks, there are common mistakes that you should try your best to avoid so that you do not lower the tool’s useful life.

#1. Do not Over-Tighten the Fixings

As a beginner, it is easy to underestimate the torque that your device can deliver. Therefore, you may end up stretching the wrench threads to ensure that the nut or screw is fixed as you desire.

In the end, you may over-tighten some components beyond what the manufacturer recommends, and this may damage the tool in the long run since the room for flexibility is all but eliminated.

To avoid over-tightening, you should only use an impact wrench meant for loosening a fitting out.

#2. Use of Mismatched Sockets

It should be at your fingertips that ordinary sockets are not compatible with impact wrenches. So, we suggest that you only use specific impact wrench sockets with your device to minimize slips and handle the cyclic loads effectively.

#3. Damaging the Threads

Do you use your impact wrench for tightening a cross-threaded nut or bolt? If you do, you may end up leaving lasting and irreparable damage to the threads. To avoid this problem, you could manually thread the bolt in a similar fashion before using the impact wrench.

#4. Acquiring the Wrong Kind of Wrench

Note that there are different kinds of impact wrenches available in the market. If you are looking for the best tool for domestic use, go for electric impact wrenches, while air impact wrenches offer the best power to weight ratio.

#5. Getting the Wrong Wrench Size

If you know the size of the fasteners and fittings that you will be working with, it will be easier for you to find the impact wrench of the right size. In general, your tool’s torque rating should be higher than what the application at hand requires.

General Maintenance Tips

The following pointers would help in keeping your device in good condition and useful to you for longer. They include:

  • Always use the correct sockets or bits
  • Regular inspection of the cords
  • Inspecting the components regularly
  • Keeping your accessories free from dirt and debris
  • Cleaning and proper storage after every use
  • Avoid applying excessive torque
  • Use of the manufacturer recommended grease and cleaners
  • Regular inspection of the wrench

Closing Remark

An air impact wrench is not the cheapest investment you can make, and you should always do your best to keep it in good condition. We have pointed out the common problems that you are likely to face with the tool and provided you with ways in which you can fix the tool all by yourself. And if all the solutions that we have provided do not seem to be working for you, maybe it is time to break the bank and get a new device. Luckily for you, most of these tools come with warranty terms that you may take advantage of and avoid incurring losses on your investment.

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